This week, I am looking forward to our shopping day so I can grab some great deals at Albertson’s. I plan to stock up on a few packages of their USDA Choice Beef Petite Sirloin Steaks. These steaks grill up beautifully!!! They are priced at $6.99 per pound - however, if you use the in-ad coupon, you can buy one package and get TWO free. That works our to only $2.33 per pound for yummy boneless sirloin steaks! I will happily stop in a few times during the sales cycle to add a few packages of beef to our freezer. This will make summer grilling easier in coming weeks!
Be sure to check out the print ad when you visit your Albertson’s store this week as the front page includes several in-ad coupons that may interest your family!
Grilled sirloin steaks with grilled corn on the cob and watermelon
Items to buy on sale for this meal:
USDA Choice Beef petite sirloin steaks - $2.33 per pound
(when you purchase three packages using in ad coupon for buy one, get TWO free)
Fresh corn on the cob - 6 for $1 (limit 12)
32 oz. bowl cut watermelon – $2.99
Leftover Makeover – slice up any leftover steak into strips and use as the base for beef fajitas (saute meat strips with a few bell peppers and sliced onions and serve on your favorite tortillas)
Thank you so much for stopping by this week! Check back next week for more great ideas using Albertson’s current grocery sales!
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